Family Ministries
In all things, we try to draw near to our Methodist roots and its founder John Wesley who believed that there is no holiness but social holiness. Wesley thought that it was impossible for Christians to grow spiritually without one another. We need each other to be Christian truly. At Morrow First United Methodist, we believe this social holiness starts in the home where we are socialized to the church and the world; so it is the church’s duty to help families grow in their faith.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
We believe that the cultivation of Christian discipleship begins the moment we are born. Therefore, ministering and proclaiming God’s Good News to children stands as one of our top priorities. We encourage children to be a part of our church and ministry through a variety of ministries.
Children in Worship
We are strongly committed to welcoming and including children in worship. Fifty years of religious sociological worship demonstrates that children must be in worship if they are to continue their discipleship after leaving home. Therefore, Morrow First United Methodist Church looks to the future of the church universal by letting the little children come to Christ, even in our worship services. The sounds of children in the sanctuary are the sounds of a healthy church and spreading faith.
There are activity kits available with coloring pages, reading books, crayons, suckers, etc. that allow the children to learn the faith in the way they do best: through play. The ushers will be glad to bring you a kit.
Summer Sprinklers
Each summer there is a church sponsored bowling league. It is open to all ages and bowling abilities. Come and join us for fun and fellowship. Look for information in April and May.
5985 Jonesboro Rd
Morrow, GA 30260
Worship With Us
Sundays at 11:00am