Preacher Anna CoxAnna Cox and Erika SturgiesBill JacksonChildren and YouthChris EhlersChuck MatthewsDarlene BulgerDiane CoxDianna CoxDoug JewettJacquelyn JohnsonMargaretMary Anne BrannonPam BoydRev Elizabeth AckermanRev. Dr. Karen LyonsRev. Nelson FurtadoRussell DavisUMW Leaders Series A Firm FoundationA Fresh StartA Light to The NationsA Ray of HopeA Season of Reflectiona way of lifeActively Trusting in the LordAdventAlert and ReadyAnswering the CallBeyondCamp Meeting MonthCamp MeetingsCoronavirusCultivating Strong RelationshipsDeck the HallsDetoxDiscipleshipExpressions of LoveExtravagant LoveFalling Into FaithFalling into FathGeared Up for LifeGrounded in LoveHarvest TimeHarvest Time MealsHelp for the HungryHomecomingHospitalityHow Ya Doin?Hunger for HealingJoy to the WorldLabor of LoveLove ConnectionsMoments of ReflectionNew BeginningsOh YeahPandemicPastor's PenPreparing the WayRay of HopeSaturday DevoSaturday DevotionalSeason of PreparationSharing Our LoveSpring ForthSpring ForwardStaying ConnectedStaying TogetherStewardshipStewardship a way of lifeSummer PlaylistTaking the Time to ListenThankfulThe Gift of LoveThe Message of JesusThe Power of SacrificeThe Way to the CrossTrusting in the LordUnexpected CallingUnstoppable LoveVolunteers Make A DifferenceVolunteers or Servants of the Lord?Way to the CrossWe BelieveWednesday DevoWednesday Devos Topic a closer walk with Goda few fisha house of prayer for all nationsA more excellent way to worship God and love God and NeighborsA new King is chosena strangera time like thisa voice in the wildernessAbidingacknowledging our sinfulnessactionadd nutrientsAdventadvent candlesall were filledangel GabrielAngerannouncement of God's beloved SonAnnual Conferenceanointinganointing in house of LazarusAnxietyarmor bearerArmor of GodArmor of the Light of ChristaskAsking questionsAssuranceAuthorityBaptismBaptismal vowsbe baptisedbe stillbear fruitbear fruit or elseBeatitudesbedbed with a feverbeggingbeginningsbehind closed doorsBehold the Lamb of GodBelief and unbeliefbelievebelieve and no not doubtbeloved SonBibleBlack Historyblanketblessblessedblessing and revelationblindBloodboatbornbranches can't bear fruit by themselvesbreadbreakbridesmaidsBurdenscall on your team for helpCalling on the team for helpcame into the worldCampingCapernaumcasting and mendin netscasting and mending netscasting out demonsCedar branchCelebrationcelebrationschangechief priests and scribeschildrenChosenChrismon TreeChrist has risenChrist is Risen!Christian LivingChristmasChristmas MedleyChurchChurch in unity and communityCivil RightsclarityClothed in God's grace and loveCloud of Witnessescomecome and see and invite othersCommandmentsCommitmentcommunal rejoicing when the lost are foundCommunioncompassionCompassion and Care of AllconfessionConfidenceconnected to the vineconversionCoronaviruscostly perfumecount what you haveCreationcreativityCrisiscrowdscultivationcure for many diseases and illnessesdanceDaviddebtdecisionsdemoniacsdemonsden of robbersDepressiondespairDevotion to GodDifficultydig around soildim visiondisciplesDiscipleshipdividingdo not hinder themdo you want to be made welldoctrinedonkey and coltDoubtdoveDramatization of the empty tomb.drink and receive eternal breadEastereatEight blessingsElizabethEmmausEmotionsempowermentempty tombEncouragementEpiphanyEpiphany SundayEstherEvangelismeverything that has breathexpectationseyes openedfaintFaithFaith and FinancesFaith in actionfaith in Godfaithful friendsFaithfulnessFastingFatherFather' DayFather's DayfatherhoodfathersfavoredFearFeelingsfellowshipfieldfig treeFighting temptationFinancefind workable resolutionsfinding what and who we lovefinish strongfirstfishFishermenFishing with JesusFishing with Jesus produces abundanceFollowFollow Mefollowersfollowers of Jesusfollowing the starfood for the soulFor such a time as thisforgiveforgive and you will be forgivenForgivenessfreedomfriendsfulfillment in your hearingfull of lifeGadarenesGenerosityGet up and goGet Your Praise On!Getting in God's Path and ViewgiveGivinggiving time and energy to your dreamsgiving to those in needGlorifying Graceglory to Godglory to God in the Highestgo in pairsgo.GodGod carries you alsoGod our refugeGod shows upGod walks with youGod will send a righteous KingGod's Lovegood newsgood news of great joyGood News to graduates; words of wisdomGoodnessGracegrandchildrengrandfathergrandmotherGratitudeGreat Saints throughout history and nowgreetings favored oneGriefguilthabitsHamen's DecreeHanging of the Greensharvest is plentifulHarvest Plentifulhave faith in Godhealinghealing Simon and Andrew's Mother In-Lawhearts warmedHeavens openedHere I amhighly favoredhikingHired handHistoryHolinessHoly Spirithomehome visitHomecominghonorHopeHope and loveHope and Love. Greatest is lovehosannahosanna in the highestHospitalityHoward Thurman and Jesus and the Disinheritedhungerhunger and thirsthungryHymnsI love youI love you foreverIdentityimmediate responseImmediatelyimmersionin all and for all blessingsin the church and house to house neInfluenceinheritanceinjurious spiritinner preparation to get your heart readyInstruments of praiseintentionalityinvestinginvitation to stay and eatIsaiahJesusJesus and JohnJesus at home in BethlehemJesus Baptized by JohnJesus ChristJesus heals the demon possessed menJesus is baptized by JohnJesus is risen indeedJesus shows upJordan RiverJosephjourney to EmmausjoyJoy in Heavenjoy in the presence of the angels of Godjoy is set before youJustifying Gracekeep God's commandsKidskingKing HerodKing of GloryKing of PeaceKingdom of Godkingdom of Heavenknowing the heart of the Giver of the giftKnowing the Word of Godlaborerslamelampslamps with oillastlasting connectionslead me foreverLeadershipleavesleftoversleftovers to go and keep givingLentlessonslet it beLightLight of the WorldLighting of the advent candlelighting the Chrismon TreeLighting the Hope Candlelightslistening and obeyingListening to the Holy Spiritlooking upLord save us.Lord's Supperlost but foundloveLove God firstlover one anotherLoving Creatorloving one another and alllyre and harpmaimmangermany illnessesmany parts and all important in the Body of ChristMaryMary and many womenMary Magdalenemeekmen or angels clothed in whitemental and emotional healingmercifulMercymessengersMethodists HistoricalMissionsmoneychangersMordecaimore fruit and much fruitmore fruit. mush fruitMother's Daymountainmountainsmournmove forwardmove mountainsmoving forward to uttermost placesmultitudemultitude of heavenly host singmutemy Lord and my Godnative languagesnative tongues in prayerneeds of the whole bodyNew Yearno fruitno more excusesnot yielding to temptations in barren placesO ComeO Come Emmanuelobedienceof the least of theseoilOne Bodyone one chanceopen invitationother sideother womenour awareness of being children of Godour guide for directionour precious childrenouter or external work that results in blessingsOvercomingownerpalms and cloakspalms of hopePandemicparable of the workersParentspassoverPastor's Penpathway to Jesuspatiencepatient endurancePeacepeace on earthpeacemakersperplexedpersecutedperseverance in spite of oppositionPeter and JohnPeter and the disciplesPhilippiansphysical needspicked from the pastureplanning aheadpondering for wisdompoor in Spiritpostions of glorypouringPowerPower of Threepower.witnessespraisepraising Godpray and believepray for workersPrayerprayer in a deserted placeprayerspraying to the Lordprepare for the Christ Childprepare the wayprepared every momentpreparing for Jesus's burialPride versus humilityprisoners freeproclaim peace upon that house and the Kingdom of God has comeprofession of faithprovisionspruningpure in heartQuestionsraftingreadyreaffirmation of our Baptismal vowsReflections on mission trip to Kenyarefugerejoice always and everywhereRejoice an be gladRejoice in all timesrejoicingrejoicing in the midst of sufferingRelationshiprelying on the Holy Spiritremain in Gods loveRenewal of Our Baptism Covenantrepentrepent and return to God's will and waysrepent for the remission of sinsRepentancerespond in loveResponses to the Good NewsresultsResurrectionresurrection Sundayreturning home another wayrewardsriding on a dockey and coltrighteous Kingriversroadmap to the starroll with the punchesroof topRule of Threerushing windSacrificeSadnessSalvationsalvation is nearSanctificationSaulsave us now!Sea of Galileesearch me and know meSecond Sunday in AdventSeeseedsseeing and doingseeing for yourself even when other witnessseeing Jesussellingsent forthsent forth with help from the Holy SpiritSermon On the Mountservant of the Lordservantsservice to allseven lovesshamesharing knowledgesharing the Good NewsSheepsheep and goatsShepherdshepherds visited by an angel of the LordShining Starsight for the blindskillful with instrumentssocial emotional needssoilSonSon of DavidSon of GodSon of the Most Highsonssons and instrumentssoothing music when tormentedSorrowsoundsowingspeakingSpiritualSpiritual Disciplinespiritual sightsprinklingStanding Strongstanding togetherstarstatusstay awakestay focused on purpose of home visitStewardshipstone rolled awaystormstrengthStudentsSufferingswineswine and swineherdsSycamore Treesymbol of peaceSynagoguetaketake nothing with you but Jesustake nothing with you but the Gospel and trust in Jesusdotalentsteachingteam effort and trusttell others what has happenedTemptationTemptation is a lure of sintemptationsten commandmentstending sheepthe Advent WreathThe faithfulThe fourth servant songThe Gift and the Giverthe holly and Ivythe Holy SpiritThe kingthe King and MordeciThe king is comingthe kingdom of heaventhe light within usthe little onesthe Lord of hostsThe love and heart of the Giverthe one who knows you also carries youthe perfect lamb of GodThe Pharasee and the tax collectorthe places you will go on your journeyThe Power of Godthe promiseThe prophet declares a child will be bornthe sower of seed and four types of soilthe spirit of the Lordthe waythe wordThomas plea is answeredThomas sees Jesusthose who are blessedthr right and the left of Jesusto God Be the Glorytoday a savior is born to all peopletombstongues as of firetongues of firetormenttouchtouched and lifted uptreasuretreasurestreasures for a Kingtrials versus temptationsTrinitytriumphal entrytroubletrue devotion in various waysTrusttrust and obeyTruthtruth and lifeTwo footprints or oneUnclean SpiritsValentine's Dayventure on to other townsvineyardvirginvoiceVoice crying outVoice of GodVolunteer Appreciation DayvowsWaitingwaiting overwake upwalkingwater and Spiritwe thank theewedding banquetWedding preparationswell pleasedWhat is thiswhat should we dowhat will you do.what will you leave behind?whole city gathered aroundwisdom and understandingwise menWise men from the EastwitnessWomen who influenced John Wesleywordwordsworkersworkers fewWorryWorshipwreath of evergreensYouth Sunday Book LukePhilippiansMatthewJohnMarkCorinthiansPsalmsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthianGenesis1 PeterActs1 JohnThankfulnessfellowshipfaithfocusforging aheadteam work. the GospelGood Newsfamily and friends partnershipsIsaiah2 Corinthians2 SamuelEphesiansJamesProverbsPsalmRuthJobHebrewsRevelationMicahZephaniahproNumbersJudeExodusColossiansExJoshuaJudgesJoelTimothy1 TimothyJeremiahEp Wednesday Devo Devotional for Wednesday, June 23 June 23, 2021 Staying Connected Faith of Our Fathers June 20, 2021 June 20, 2021 Wednesday Devo Devotional for Wednesday, June 16, 2021 June 16, 2021 Staying Connected Harvest Time. June 13, 2021 Wednesday Devo Devotional Wednesday June 9, 2021 June 9, 2021 Staying Together Walking With God June 6, 2021 Wednesday Devo Wednesday Devotional for June 2, 2021 June 2, 2021 The Power of Three May 30, 2021 Wednesday Devo Wednesday Devo for May 26 May 26, 2021 Love Connections Pentecost Power May 23, 2021 « Previous 1 2 3 … 28 29 30 31 32 … 34 35 36 Next »